Fighting going to sleep at night
Not self-settling
Sometimes driving around the block to get to sleep
"I would like some help to set up boundaries and help me to get her to sleep, and to help me to teach her to self settle"
How we found Cherie…
My daughter is 18 Months old, we have always been very laid back parents and in a way letting her determine our daily routine, once she started daycare and me going back to work, after a few months of this, it started taking its toll on me, the nights I started to dread, after a long day at work, to then go home and start my next shift the thought was daunting.
I had absolutely no idea how to change the routine we got ourselves into. We would be up until 10pm sometimes I would fall asleep before her and wake up on the lounge floor with her asleep on me, or we would drive around until she was asleep which would take ages, and was exhausting. Let alone the constant night wakes, were she demanded to go to the lounge otherwise she would not fall asleep.
Everything became hard without sleep for all of us. I was talking to a colleague and explaining our situation, he said “You have to call Cherie” he sent me the link, he told me she was a life saver. At this point I was ready to do anything no matter how hard it was going to be, because I got to the point where nothing could be as hard as what we were already going through.
We then booked Cherie and chose the package that included the follow up and sleep plan, because let's face it we had absolutely no plan in place currently, so was starting from scratch.
We then explained to Cherie what we were doing and she was able to explain to us, the impacts this was having on our daughter, that then made me realise how important sleep and routine was and how urgently we needed to rectify our situation. We then received a very carefully planned out guide tailored to our needs specifically. With explanations of why we do certain things during sleep teaching.
Week 1 came, and we got through each day with Cherie’s support. I was blown away at how quickly she learnt how to sleep, how to self sooth and how to go back to sleep. It ended up luckily being relatively easy (in comparison to what we were doing).
Our daughter now has the skills she needs to sleep, and we have a much-regained life back, I even had to ask Cherie what am I supposed to do now with all this extra time during the evening? dare I say read a book, take up a hobby! The thoughts were endless! (So far, I am still in relax mode… but will get there).
Our daughter is now also doing really well with the extra much needed sleep, her immune system is growing stronger, she is happier during the day, routine has become key to our success. The evenings are now enjoyable, and we are all benefiting from this immensely.
Cherie is an absolute life saver and would highly recommend Cherie without hesitation, her details were the best gift we could have asked for!